
American History Book Club & Forum

Founded in 2008 for members of the Upcountry History Museum, the American History Book Club & Forum provides opportunities for the intellectually curious to explore their passion for American History through the written and spoken presentations of great writers and historians. The Club is dedicated to creating interest in our nation’s cultural, economic and political history, to inspiring appreciation for enlightened traditions of the American experience and to advancing the United States’ distinctive leadership role in the world community.

The only requirement is to be a Museum Member. Please ask to be added to the AHBC mailing list when purchasing your Museum membership.
Email for more information.

Renew your UHM membership to remain on the AHBC mailing list.

Call 864-467-3100 to check on your membership status or renew online.

All programs begin at 11:30 am. Advance reservations suggested.


Monday, April 14, 2025

The Upcountry History Museum is pleased to announce that Dr. Marian Strobel, the William M. Burnett Professor of History Emerita, at Furman University, will be the April 14, 2025, American History Book Club Speaker.

Please join us April 14th, 11:30 a.m., for a reception in the Museum’s foyer, followed by Dr. Strobel’s presentation, 12 p.m., in the Resource Room.

Title: “The Gilded Age, George and Edith Vanderbilt, and the Emergence of Progressivism in Asheville”

Synopsis: Dr. Strobel’s presentation will focus on late 19th century America: a period of massive industrialization, urbanization, and immigration.  Amidst such changes emerged a new elite (the “Four Hundred”) known for their social savvy and fabulous “cottages.”  Among this group were George and Edith Vanderbilt, who not only constructed Biltmore House, but also brought about significant positive change to Asheville, North Carolina. They did so in terms of agricultural innovations, conservation practices, and through aiding the less fortunate.  The Vanderbilts became exemplars of the Progressive spirit, a time of significant reform endeavors in America.



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