January 16 – April 17, 2021
Lucy first pulled the football away from Charlie Brown on November 16, 1952. Known as “The Fall Classic” it became a rite of autumn in American pop culture. The annual “pulling away of the football” was shown nearly every year through the run of the Peanuts comic strip. Artist Charles M. Schulz created nearly 50 years of unique endings to the famous football gag.
The Upcountry History Museum in partnership with the Charles M. Schulz Museum and Research Center will host Pigskin Peanuts, a retrospective exhibition that examines Schulz’s love of the game. Greenville, South Carolina will be the final stop on the Pigskin Peanuts international tour.
The 3000 square foot exhibit showcases Peanuts football-themed comic strips, artifacts and ephemera to illustrate how sports, specifically football, evolved and played a role in the Peanuts comics.
Charlie Brown’s missed kick wasn’t the only Peanuts football story. The exhibition, divided into five sections, examines the evolution of football in the Peanuts stories including Vintage Pigskin, The Fall Classic, Snoopy’s Gridiron Tales, Woodstock Plays Football, and Girls Rule (Sally, Peppermint Patty and Marcie).