They left in the middle of the night – often carrying little more than the knowledge to follow the North Star. In the decades prior to the Civil War in 1865, an estimated 100,000 slaves became passengers on the Underground Railroad, a journey of untold hardship, in search of freedom. Under the cover of darkness,... Read more »
The campaign for women’s voting rights lasted more than seven decades. Considered the largest reform movement in United States history, its participants believed that securing the vote was essential to achieving women’s economic, social. and political equality. Culminating 100 years ago in the Nineteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. the fight for women’s suffrage was... Read more »
The Upcountry History Museum and America’s beloved big red dog with a heart to match will invite visitors to board the Birdwell Island ferry and journey to the world of Clifford The Big Red Dog. Adventures with Clifford The Big Red Dog, an interactive, bi-lingual (English and Spanish), exhibition featuring Clifford, Emily Elizabeth and all the... Read more »